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  : Home >> Useful Information > Medical > Samsung Medical Center
  3. Medical
   (1) International Clinic | (2) Samsung Medical Center | (3) Severance Hospital | (4) Asan Medical Center |
   (5) Seoul National University Hospital
  [2] Samsung Medical Center ( )

SMC has become the nation's leader in health care and medical arts and science by offering the best medical care and the finest quality service.

We are committed to achieving a higher level of patient care by adding a 2000 bed supermodern medical complex by the year 2003.

With the addition of this new building, we will be able to provide a highly improved patient care for a larger number of people by comprehensive and truly multidisciplinary approach through a harmonious mixture of patient care, education and research.

We shall continue our endeavor to be the world class medical institute in the 21st century.

 International Health Service
The International Health Service(IHS) opened in September 1995, offer in-and out-patient treatment, consultations and referrals across a comprehensive range of specialties. The service is a major component of the Samsung Medical Center's Seoul Hospital, which is one of the country's leading health care institutions with over 800 physicians, 1200 beds and ultramodern, world-class medical technology and facilities. IHS have the primary goal of providing the best quality health care to foreigners residing in or traveling through Korea. IHS is well received among foreign residents for its outstanding medical and nursing staff including proficient services IHS has also won international recognition : SMC was designated as the Primary Medevac Facility of the White House for the 97 Muju Winter Universiad Games (Jan. - Feb. 97), and the official domestic Medevac Facility for the 2002 World Cup Games.
 - Reception Desk at IHS

 Outpatient service
- Primary medical care services are provided by specialists in internal medicine, pediatrics, family medicine, physical medicine and rehabilitation(PMR), psychiatry and others.
- The outpatient services are fully backed up by specialists in 28 specialty and subspecialty departments and divisions of the Samsung Medical Center for any consultation and referrals.
- The services are staffed by bilingual medical staffs, and the main and official language of the service is English. - Appointments are conveniently made by telephone or e-mail.
- The outpatient services are equipped with modern facilities and instruments with immediate access to all the ultramodern equipment and services of the Samsung Medical Center.
- 24 hours' emergency medical services are provided by the medical staff in coordination with emergency service of the Samsung Medical Center.

 - A Foreign Patient intensive Care

- Shinae Yoo M.D.
 (Pediatrics, Family Medicine)
- Bong J. Choi M.D., Associate Director
  (Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology)
-Erin Hahn R.N., Nurse Manager
-Staff nurse : Daria Yoo R.N., Mary Kim R.N.
-Clerk : Alice Kim

 Outpatient Service Hours
Monday through Friday : 09:00 a.m. ~ 17:00 p.m
Saturday : 09:00 a.m. ~ 12:00 noon

 For Appointment orEmergency Contact
Tel) 02-3410-0200 / 0226
Fax) 02-3410-0229
Ubud Villa    Seminyak Villa   Maty  
RM 901, Hannam BLDG 737-37, Hannam-Dong, Yongsan-Gu, Seoul, Korea
FAX +82-2-793-8849 / E-mail : KOREA OFFICE +82-2-793-8866
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